Non pharmacologic Treatment

Just as important as the medications are the non pharmacologic treatment methods for panic attack. Listed below are some of the remedies and natural treatment schemes that you can try to alleviate the symptoms of a panic attack or panic disorder.

  • Breathing exercises - In panic attack symptoms, difficulty of breathing is one of the most prominent and uncomfortable feelings for the sufferer. Hence, this technique can help a lot in establishing back the natural breathing pattern that is needed for recovering quickly from a panic attack. The technique is to take in enough oxygen and then prolong exhalation through the mouth in order to remove excess carbon dioxide from the blood. The use of the diaphragm and stomach muscles is needed instead of the chest in order to breathe in more oxygen and exhale more carbon dioxide in the process.
  • Dietary modifications - Certain food and drinks must be avoided in order to keep the symptoms of panic attack under check. Stimulants like caffeine, chocolate and other food that can serve as an upper or stimulant must be avoided in order to minimize the effects.
    Pharmacologic agents like amphetamine and other drugs that have stimulant properties must also be avoided in order to lessen the symptoms.
    For prevention, 30 minutes a day of physical exercise is recommended, as well as healthy nutrition and sleeping habits.
    A back rub during a panic attack can help if the person has problems breathing well.
  • Lifestyle modifications and exercise - Physical activity like exercise can help in the overall blood circulation and can help relax a person. This can be particularly important especially for a person who has a history of panic attacks. Apart from exercise, proper sleep and rest, the avoidance of alcohol, smoking and other vices can be a great help too.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy - This is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help the person with panic attacks to develop more effective coping mechanisms against this problem. From the word itself, we can derive the most important meaning of this form of psychotherapy. Cognitive or cognition refers to the mind. Hence, cognitive behavioral therapy is a set of techniques that aim to change the mindset of a person and replace the irrational thoughts behind the triggers of a panic attack. A structured approach to changing the mindset about the surrounding triggers of a panic attack are done in order to alter behavior or the person’s response to stress and anxiety provoking situations.
  • Supplements and Natural Remedies - Some people also use herbal remedies particularly kava for the alleviation of panic attacks. Before using any herbal supplement, your doctor’s advice is important especially if you are taking other medications that could interact with the herbal supplement. Dietary changes could also be done if you are using these supplements so always use them with caution.

Shortened Version: Nonpharmacologic treatment for panic attacks include: Breathing exercises, Dietary modifications, Lifestyle modifications and exercise, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Supplements and Natural Remedies.

Tags: panic attack nonpharmacologic treatment, panic attack remedies, panic attack natural remedies, panic attack cure