
There are several causes involved in panic attacks. Most of the time, a panic attack happens because of a combination of the following factors:

  • Heredity - Many cases of panic attack sufferers have traced at least one relative in the blood line who has panic disorder too. The genetic nature of panic disorder is even further supported by twin studies that have proven that twins have a greater possibility of getting panic disorder if the other twin has the said disorder.
  • Biological or physiological related causes - Certain disease processes and other biological conditions like infections that can precipitate a panic attack

    By SeverPanicAttacks

    I have posted on this thread a month ago that my panic attacks were caused by a blood sugar problem in my body. I went to the doctor and they told me that it has something to do with my viral gastritis.
  • Phobias - People who have phobias or the irrational fear to a certain object or event can have a panic attack when triggered by an event involving the feared stimulus.

    by muzikizlyfex

    When I was in grade school, we rode a bus when one of my seatmates puked all over me. I guess that event really traced in my memory. I am already 16 but whenever I hear someone, even family members start to puke, I feel like I need to get out of the house. It has completely ruined my life.
  • Short term triggering causes - There are certain life events that are stressful and emotion laden and can be a stimulus for a panic attack. Death, pregnancy, loss of a romantic partner, a job and other emotion inducing events can trigger this phenomenon.

    by jessisjinxed

    I am 20 years old and I am 3 months pregnant now. I have been having panic attacks before but now it is more severe, like every day almost. I am always scared and even just thinking about a panic attack would make me get one for real.
  • Medications - Some recommended medications can have panic attacks listed on their side effects. A common medication that can precipitate a panic attack is antibiotics.

    by Peale

    I have been taking antibiotics and I have been having panic attacks since I started them. It is really freaky and I want to know how many of you have felt the same way as I did.
  • Medications - Some recommended medications can have panic attacks listed on their side effects. A common medication that can precipitate a panic attack is antibiotics.

    by Peale

    I have been taking antibiotics and I have been having panic attacks since I started them. It is really freaky and I want to know how many of you have felt the same way as I did.
  • Medications - Some recommended medications can have panic attacks listed on their side effects. A common medication that can precipitate a panic attack is antibiotics.

    by Peale

    I have been taking antibiotics and I have been having panic attacks since I started them. It is really freaky and I want to know how many of you have felt the same way as I did.
  • Alcohol and drug withdrawal - Some drugs and notably alcohol can cause withdrawal symptoms as a side effect

    by GetBornAgain

    I take Ativan 1.5 mg daily. In the morning I take half the pill and the remainder in the afternoon then before sleeping. One day I forgot my morning and afternoon pills and exactly 16 hours after my last dose, I experienced a panic attack. I wonder if this is normal withdrawal symptoms of this medication.
  • Hyperventilation syndrome - Improper breathing especially the one which involves prominent mouth breathing only can cause an imbalance in body elements. This type of breathing can potentially cause excessive carbon dioxide in the blood. This imbalance is responsible for triggering the body response to panic attacks.
  • Situationally bound panic attacks - The memory of panic attacks happening in association to a certain event or situation can be enough to trigger subsequent panic attacks when faced with that same scenario again.
  • Pharmacologic causes - many pharmacologic substances especially the stimulant ones like caffeine and amphetamine can induce a panic episode.

    By maximusdecimusmeridius

    My friend has currently experienced a panic attack. He confessed to me a few weeks ago that he has tried speed for a few times. I told him that amphetamine and panic attacks are related and that he needs to stop taking it.
  • Chronic illnesses especially cardiac conditions - Certain heart rhythm irregularities can contribute to the possibility of panic attacks. This can be a difficult aspect to treat especially because panic attacks can mimic the symptoms of heart attack and other cardiac conditions as well.

Shortened Version: The causes of panic attacks include: Heredity, Biological or physiological related causes, Phobias, Short term triggering causes, Medications,Alcohol and drug withdrawal, Hyperventilation syndrome, Situationally bound panic attacks, Pharmacologic causes, and Chronic illnesses especially cardiac conditions.

Tags: panic attack causes, panic attack reasons, panic attack cause